Monday, March 9, 2009

It's a Boy!!!

Today was a big day in the Murphy household. We found out we will be welcoming a baby boy this August!! His name is Owen Patrick Murphy and he growing strong and is as healthy as can be!! We are so happy and can't wait for him to join our family.

I'm working on the details for the nursery...Not too sure which direction I want to go. Pat has his suggestions - most of them sports related, so I'm trying to fit that into my ideas. Right now I'm leaning towards a mix of blues and then orange as an accent color. We'll see though once I really get into making the decisions.

Here are some pictures of Owen. He weighs 10 ounces! In the first pic he is holding up his arm with his index finger pointing up. He's already #1!! The middle 2 pics are profile shots and the last pic is of his feet. So cute!!