Friday, February 27, 2009

Ready for the Cold to Go!!

Like most Cleveland winters this winter has been full of cold days, snow and ice. It's nice to have the change in weather, but it's time for the warmer weather to move it's way in!

As a new homeowner, Pat decided that he wanted to purchase a new snow blower for the winter months. He did his research and found the right one for the job at Sears, just down the street. Once we got it home and he set it up I realized it was not only a snow blower, but the world's largest snow blower he could find. This thing is like a small car (a bit of an exaggeration, but it really takes up a lot of garage space!).

So, we have the snow blower all ready to go - this was back in the beginning of November - and as unpredictable as Cleveland weather is, it did not snow for about a month or so. Pat thought he would never get to use his new toy!

Soon though, things turned and the weather came. The first day we had enough snow he was like a kid on Christmas. He got all bundled up and headed out to clear the drive. After several months and several inches of snow I must say that Mr. Murphy did make a good decision when purchasing his snow blower!

For your enjoyment, here are some pictures of the man in action!

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