Thursday, April 2, 2009

Owen is a Kickin'

As my belly grows and the nursery planning moves forward it's getting a little more real (and exciting!) that we will soon have another addition to our family.

A couple weeks ago I felt Owen's first kicks. I was sitting on the couch after dinner and all of the sudden my stomach fluttered. I had to call my mom to make sure that's what I was experiencing and not just after dinner grumbles...Well, it sure was Owen and he has been nonstop since. What a great feeling to know that he is in there moving around and having a good old time! Every time I feel it I have to smile :) Pat loves to feel him kicking around too!!

I've started the baby registry at Babies R Us and I think I'll add a little bit here and there instead of going in for a marathon registering session at the store. There's so much to get for a little one! I've had a lot of help from friends and books though, so hopefully I'll be all set once he's here. The shower isn't until July 18th, but I figure getting started now is fine (& fun!).

Another "project" we have been tackling is finishing our basement. The contractors have done a great job and we are getting closer to being done! I do like them, but I'll be happy when they aren't walking in to our house every morning to head downstairs. They've been there since February and expect to finish in the next few weeks.

Once it's done it will be the "man cave" Pat has always wanted. It'll add about 1500 sq ft to our house and it'll include a bar area, a movie room w/ a 92 in tv - Pat's pick and a workout room. That way when the Cavs, Indians or Browns are on, Pat & Owen can head downstairs and Mom can be out doing something else...It's a win win situation! I'll post pics of the final project once completed.

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