Monday, May 11, 2009

Bring on the May Flowers!!

Life has been busy, busy, busy!

Now 27 weeks prego (only 13 to go!) I am definitely feeling like one pregnant lady. Owen has been movin' & shakin' pretty consistently now and my belly continues to get bigger by the day! I still can't believe that I've been pregnant for over 1/2 a year. Craziness!! It's all good though and we are very very excited for August to come.

The nursery is coming along great. We had a power work day on Saturday and only have a few more things to hang on the walls and add to the room. I'm holding off on posting pics until the final product is ready to share. I've always wanted to try to post a picture on HGTV's Rate My Space and I think the nursery is going to be worthy of testing the opinions of other HGTV lovers. The site allows other people to rate your decorating skills and leave comments (the good, the bad and the ugly) of their opinion of your room. I think it would be fun to see what they say and I used the site for a lot of ideas for Owen's room.

Pat spent a weekend in Texas with 3 of his brother for the Murphy Cup - a yearly golf competition between the Murphy brothers. This year Pat's brother Rob won - maybe next year Pat!! They had a great time though and that's what matters!

Well, the basement is finally finished! Ok, there are a few minor details to complete, but we had our first get together with a small group of friends on Saturday for the Cavs game - so we are in party mode at least! It turned out great! We are really happy with everything and on Sunday we watched The Incredible Hulk (and maybe napped during it...) on the 92 inch projection screen that Pat is soooo excited about! It truly is a man cave with a touch of Kendra ;)

Murphy's Bar

The Movie Room

92 inch Projection Screen

Workout Room


I think that's it for now...I'm hoping the nursery will be finished within the next month so all we'll need is Owen to complete it :)

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