Sunday, June 14, 2009

Waiting on Baby Owen...

Today marks 32 weeks!! I can't believe how fast it has gone by...

We've finished up the nursery with a few exceptions - mainly Baby Owen!! It turned out great and we are so excited that Owen will have a fabulous room to greet him. Pat & I did just about everything. I picked things out and he was the handy man. Because we both had our own vision of what the nursery would be, we blended them and I kind of just put together my own theme. I liked dots & stripes and Pat wanted his boy's room to have sports. So, ta-da! We have all three in the room :)

The weather in Ohio has been mild for June and I gotta say that I don't mind at all. Most people's response when I tell them when I'm due is: "Oh, all those hot summer months!" (very encouraging by the way). So the mid-70's and cool summer nights have been a blessing to my body for sure!

A common question I'm getting now is: "Are you in the uncomfortable stage yet?" Again - so encouraging...And for awhile I would be able to truthfully answer not yet. However I think that the little man went through a growth spurt lately and with that came more shifts in the stomach and a few limbs in the ribs. All in all though it really hasn't been too bad at all. Not saying that I want to remain pregnant for the rest of my life, but I don't have too much to complain about.

I've added some pictures of the nursery. Citations: The glider is from Pat's parents (Nana & Grandpa) and the little orange seat (perfect for little butts) with Owen's name on it is from my dad & Mary (Pop Pop and Grandma Mary - Not sure what Mary's preference is going to be :) ). So here it is...I'm sure after the shower and all the things I won't be able to resist buying, the room will fill up quickly with toys and fun little boy things. Enjoy!

Pat put the crib together - It was a Costco find (I do love Costco!) and it converts to a toddler bed and then a full bed later in life

I was crafty and made Owen's name out of scrapbook paper and wooden letters (thank you Michael's & JoAnn's)

We decided the best place for the glider was in the bay window - It fits perfectly!

I'm sure we'll spend a lot of time in this oh-so-comfortable chair!

Soon enough these pictures will be of Owen in the real world and not just in my belly!

Many toys and books will live here one day...

The dresser for all of those cute clothes Owen will get! And the fun little seat with his name on it : )

Another orginial Kendra Murphy design. What can I say - pregnancy brought out the Martha in me!


  1. Hello from the Czech Republic from the future Pop-pop. The room looks great and a comfortable place for mom and dad to rock baby to sleep. Glad to the weather is cooperating and that Owen is already exercising. Being Irish and Norwegian I am sure that he will come out swinging (and of course looking his first golf club). Love Dad, Mary, Nicole and Michael.

  2. Great-Grandma Mabel:
    I can hardly wait to hold Owen in my arms. I'm so glad you're enjoying your pregnancy--so many women don't.
    Your tummy up front was not my experience--I grew all around and just bought size 16 clothes (rather than size 12).
    Won't be long now!! Love, Besta

  3. Congratulations to Mom and Dad for a healthy and handsome son. Owen will be a joy to all. We are looking forward to seeing the updates on the blog of our grandson -- Mary and Ken
